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本文简述了番茄斑萎病毒病、番茄黄化曲叶病毒病、番茄褪绿病毒病、番茄花叶型病毒病、番茄蕨叶型病毒病5种主要番茄病毒病的症状识别特征。提出加强植物检疫、选用抗病品种、诱虫板与防虫网联用、切断人为传播和昆虫传播途径、调整定植期、清洁田园环境、合理选择杀虫剂进行杀虫控病等防治策略和防治措施,为番茄产业绿色发展提供了建议和参考。  相似文献   
为探讨水文变异对生态流量影响,确定最佳水库生态流量推求方法,针对尼尔基水库生态问题,采用Mann-kendall突变检测法、滑动T检验法和有序聚类法,结合序号总和理论和Spearman相关系数计算对水文时间序列作综合识别,确定水库发生水文变异年份为1963年和1999年。利用NGPRP法和逐月频率年内展布计算法分别计算天然状态、次天然状态、现状和不考虑水文变异条件下最小生态流量和适宜生态流量。参考Tennant法评价结果表明水库生态系统退化主要受人类扰动影响,观察次天然状态和不考虑变异状态下生态径流过程,最小生态流量占多年平均流量百分数相差9.21%和1.70%,适宜生态流量相差3.04%和1.47%。研究应更多考虑次天然生态径流过程,其最小生态流量仅可作为生态流量下限。  相似文献   
为解决传统的玉米病害识别方法中特征提取主观性强及误识率高的问题,提出利用卷积神经网络对玉米病害进行识别。以玉米病害图像和健康图像共5种类别的玉米图像为研究对象,并采用LeNet模型进行试验。首先,按照8∶2的比例为每种玉米病害图像选择训练集和测试集。然后,通过试验组合和对比分析的方法比较不同卷积神经网络结构设置对准确率的影响,选出最佳参数。另外,选用Adam算法代替SGD算法来优化模型,通过指数衰减法调整学习率,将L2正则项添加到交叉熵函数中,并选择Dropout策略和ReLU激励函数。最后,确定了一个10层CNN网络结构。试验结果显示,玉米花叶病、灰斑病、锈病、叶斑病和玉米健康识别率分别为95.83%、90.57%、100%、93.75%、100%,平均识别率达96%,平均计算时间为0.15 s。经试验结果比较,该模型识别效果明显高于传统方法,为玉米病害的防治提供技术支持。  相似文献   
Camelids have many unique reproductive features that considerably differ from those of other domestic species. Females are induced ovulators with subsequent development of a corpus luteum (CL) with a short lifespan. Plasma progesterone concentration starts to increase on day 4, peaks on day 8–9 and, in non-pregnant animals, basal concentration is reached around day 10–11 post-induction of ovulation. Luteolytic pulses of prostaglandin F (PGF) are firstly detected on day 7 or 8 (approximately on day 5–6 after ovulation), with maximal luteolytic peaks observed between days 9 and 11 post-mating, in coincidence with a high endometrial expression of cyclooxygenase 2, a limiting enzyme in prostaglandins synthesis. Unlike other species, oxytocin seems not to be involved in the luteolytic process in these species. The CL is the main source of progesterone secretion, and its function is required to support pregnancy. Despite constant research efforts, aspects of reproduction and maternal recognition of pregnancy in camelids remain not fully understood. A transient decrease and subsequent recovery in plasma progesterone concentration are observed after day 9 post-mating in pregnant animals in association with a pulsatile release of PGF and a transitory decrease in CL vascularization. Thus, embryo recognition should occur between days 8 and 12 post-mating. In camels, conceptus tissues exhibit aromatizing activity with the capacity to synthesize large amounts of oestradiol. Similarly, llama blastocysts secrete oestradiol-17β during the preimplantation stage, with a higher production during the elongation period. An increase in the endometrial expression of oestrogen receptor α is also observed on day 12 post-mating. All these evidences suggest that oestrogen could be the signal released by the embryo at the time of its recognition in camelids. Besides, nearly 98% of pregnancies are carried out in the left horn. A decrease in the endometrial expression of mucin 1 and 16 genes has been reported, suggesting that these changes are crucial for successful embryo implantation; however, no differences have been observed between horns. Thus, maternal recognition of pregnancy in camelids is a particularly complex process that must occur in a concise time to allow the rescue of the CL and embryo survival.  相似文献   
稻粉虱Aleurocybotus indicus David et Subramaniam, 属半翅目粉虱科, 以刺吸式口器为害水稻叶片而导致产量损失, 是我国闽?赣?浙等稻区的一种偶发性水稻害虫, 近20多年已鲜有报道, 但2019年-2021年在中国水稻研究所富阳试验农场稻田暴发?本文描述了稻粉虱的为害症状和形态特征, 并配以原色照片; 克隆得到了稻粉虱线粒体DNA COⅠ基因片段, 发现其与烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci序列一致性最高(85.80%); 田间调查表明, 富阳试验农场及周边稻田稻粉虱均有不同程度的发生, 但前者发生量明显较高(每个分蘖最高可达251头), 推测可能与农场温室内的稻粉虱越冬虫源有关; 利用稻苗浸渍法评估了不同作用机制的7种杀虫剂对稻粉虱的毒力, 发现双丙环虫酯?氯虫苯甲酰胺?氟啶虫胺腈?氟啶虫酰胺和溴氰虫酰胺对稻粉虱成虫均有较好的杀虫活性, 其中前4种药剂推荐中剂量处理后72 h的校正死亡率均可达100%, 其LC50分别为3.028?3.769?6.405 mg/L和7.894 mg/L?本研究可为我国稻粉虱的识别诊断和化学防治提供重要依据?  相似文献   
模糊模式识别模型在流域生态安全评价中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生态安全是指人类赖以生存和发展的生态环境处于健康和可持续发展状态,流域生态安全评价是实现流域可持续发展的一项重要调控措施。流域生态安全评价需要通过评价模型来实现,由于生态安全是一个外延不明确的模糊概念,为此以模糊模式识别理论为基础,提出了流域生态安全评价的模糊模式识别模型。运用模型对岷江上游的生态安全现状进行了评价,建立了1,2,3共三个级别的指标体系,结果表明岷江上游生态安全处于第2级,即处于预警状态。评价结果符合岷江上游地区的生态环境状况。  相似文献   
把林火灾害问题纳入风险管理范畴的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
风险管理正在成为全球关注的新学科。森林火灾不可避免,灾害风险不容回避,把林火灾害纳入风险管理范畴,是预防、减少和控制森林火灾的重要手段和措施。文中阐明了林火灾害风险及风险管理的概念和含义,明确了风险判识、风险分析、风险评估和风险控制特别是风险评估的内容与方法。  相似文献   
基于机器视觉的树木图像实时采集与识别系统   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
研究了树木图像的实时采集与识别技术 ,以及树木图像处理及分析软件系统的开发 ,并自行设计制作了室内模拟实验系统。树木图像处理技术包括图像的获取、图像的增强、图像边缘检测、图像分割和图像的特征提取与识别。本文的研究能够为分离施药目标与非施药目标提供依据 ,有助于精确农药喷雾的实现。  相似文献   
The subject of risk management is attracting more and more attention around the world. The risk of forest fire disasters should be faced and dealt with for forest fires cannot be avoided. Treating forest fire disasters as a risk management issue promotes important measures and methods for fire fighters to prevent, reduce and control the risks of forest fires. In this paper, the risk concept and risk connotation as well as the management risks for forest fire suppression are discussed clearly. Issues such as risk judgments, risk analysis, risk control and the assessment of risk, including their contents and corresponding methods are clarified. Translated from Forest Resources Management, 2006, 2: 24–27 [译自: 林业资源맜理]  相似文献   
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